
When someone does well, or has some good news, congratulate them!
Don't take it as read that you are happy for them or that you are proud.

  • Two of my children took part in Rock Challenge ( I encouraged them because it is great organisation and convinced them they would only have a drama role and wouldn't have to dance. However it transpired that they did have to dance - and both stuck with it and did really well. I didn't think I'd ever see my son dance - and dance well. What a lovely moment and what a great revelation to all of us! I'm so proud of both of them for stretching themselves and being open to trying new things.

  • My friend is getting married - hurrah! and has invited me - Hurrah! Congratulations were sent!
  • And a new friend, a fellow student, has just got an 'outstanding distinction' for her assignment. It puts my 'very good' in the shade somewhat(!) but I am genuinely really, really happy for her. Congratulations were sent!


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