52Frames: Line from a song

 Inspiration and motivation were hard to find this week as I've been busy making and creating all sorts of other things - but I got there (at the eleventh hour).

Here are some of my shots with their lines from songs (I like to keep my options open - some have more than one song linked to them):

'And it was all yellow' - Cold Play
'They call me mellow yellow' - Donovan

Cinnabar moth caterpillar on regwort (7 photos stacked and blended)

Three little birds - Bob Marley
HOW long did I wait for three birds to turn up together? There is a massive crowd of sparrows that visit the garden, but this afternoon - they were camera shy! I would heve like better focusing but happy to have got the shot

'Reaching out, touching me, touching you... Sweet Caroline' Neil Diamond
Now, there's an earworm for you :)
SOOC - no editting at all

'I want to hold your hand' The Beatles
'I've got you to hold my hand, I've got you to understand...
I've got you to walk with me, I got you to talk with me...
I got you Babe - Sonny and Cher
We were on a walk and I thought I'd quickly grab a photo, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

'Oh, those summer nights' - Grease

Three little birds - Bob Marley
A little photpshop trickery here. Three different birds on the same washing line within minutes of each other - just not at exactly the same time


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